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Hair Transplant In Czech Republic

Hair Transplant In Czech Republic


Hair transplantation is the only method that can reverse the effects of balding. In addition, the transplanted hair does not fall off. As a result, the procedure is very popular among men who have baldness (literally) written in their genes. Deciding whether to undergo surgery is not the most difficult. It is far more difficult to choose the right workplace. Clinics in the Czech Republic, are gaining in popularity for a number of reasons.


How does hair transplantation work? 


During the procedure, the doctor removes the hair in the form of grafts resistant to the effects of the testosterone product - and thus balding - and implants them in places where the growth has already fallen off.


In practice, the surgeon extracts individual grafts from the occiput and scalp with a special needle (hair does not fall out in this area) and passes them on to experienced technicians for cleaning. In the meantime, he creates so-called channels in the skin with missing or sparse hair with a micro scalpel and inserts the cleaned grafts into them. The transplanted hair attaches and grows within 12 to 18 months.


Why (not) follow the price?


Of course, the price of shooting hair plays a role in choosing a suitable workplace. However, this is due to a number of factors that you should follow first and foremost. It's about:

  • the presence of a surgeon during the entire operation,

  • the amount of medical experience (successfully operated patients),

  • hygienic level of the workplace,

  • the number (and relevance) of reviews from former clients.

  • And it is when they are considered that the top Czech Republic workplaces are the best (also in terms of price).


The first factor: the presence of the surgeon during the operation


In cheap workplaces, the procedure is performed by technicians without a medical license. The result is unnatural growth of transplanted hair (due to poorly formed canals) and their more frequent falling. You will also recognize similar workplaces by the fact that they will not prepare a contract for you - and if they do, they will definitely not guarantee the surgeon's participation in the operation.


In Czech, technicians take care of support activities - the most important part of the procedure is always performed by a doctor qualified in the field of plastic surgery.


The second factor: the number of operated patients


There is nothing to say about the surgeon's skill as the number of patients with successful hair transplants. It is at this point that Czech workplaces diverge significantly.


In the Czech Republic, the doctors who perform the transplants also perform a number of other plastic surgeries and have experience with the transfer of hair grafts in a maximum of several dozen patients.


The third factor: the hygienic level


This, of course, carries an increased risk of disease transmission. Due to the pressure for rapid patient turnover, surgical instruments are also much more likely to not sterilize sufficiently.


At top clinics in the Czech Republic, maximum units of clients operate daily, with the exception of not a single patient per day. After each procedure, the staff thoroughly cleans the operating room, thoroughly sterilizes the used tools, and safely disposes of the disposable ones.


The fourth factor: workplace reviews


The level of the clinic is also indicated by the number of recommendations. Reviews of poor quality workplaces show the following features:

  • talks about the feelings of the clinic and the attitude of the staff (not about the results of the operation),

  • evaluates the level of the hotel and adventure trips around the Czech Republic and its surroundings (these factors are completely irrelevant to the outcome of the procedure ).

  • Reviews of high-quality Czech Republic clinics contain mainly information on the results of the operation (12 to 18 months after the procedure) and their number is an order of magnitude smaller than in low-quality "transplant factories".


Hair transplants are a common procedure in the Czech Republic


Although hair transplants are really a very common procedure today, many men are ashamed and try to hide as much as possible about the hair transplant and do not want to inform their surroundings about it. 


Hair transplantation costs in the Czech Republic 


Hair transplantation in the Czech Republic costs 220,000 CZK.


When arranging hair transplants in the Czech Republic, we meet different types of clients. Some decide to have a hair transplant in the Czech Republic, relatively quickly, almost impulsively, but others, on the other hand, have long considered and considered their decision to undergo a hair transplant.


The second type of client also includes considered the idea for a very long time and considered hair transplantation. 


Just a plain surgery here in the Czech Republic would cost you around 220,000 CZK. 


Hair transplantation is still the only method that can reverse baldness. Men rightly enjoy the attention, especially those whose hair loss makes life bitter. But how does this method work and why do you prefer to undergo the procedure at a clinic in the Czech Republic?


What is a Hair Transplant?


In short, it is a transfer (transplantation) of hair resistant to falling out to places with baldness. Scientists do not yet know the exact cause of this hair's resistance to baldness, but they do know that it retains this ability even after insertion into the corners or top of the head, ie places that are affected by hair loss in the vast majority of cases.


Hair transplantation looks simple on paper, but in reality, it requires precise skill - one that can only be gained through years of hard practice.


Hair is taken from the scalp and occiput in the form of hair grafts (they contain 1 to 4 hairs). A special hollow needle is used for the extraction, which the doctor literally "cuts out" from the skin. After its cleaning, it is inserted into the so-called channel - a kind of depression, which the surgeon creates in the bald spot with a microscope. 


After attachment, the implanted hair begins to grow and after 12 to 18 months is not recognizable from the rest of the growth. But why is hair transplantation in the Czech Republic a better choice than completing it in Europe?


1) Many times more experience of surgeons


Hair transplantation looks simple on paper, but in reality, it requires precise skill - one that can only be gained through years of hard practice. And this is exactly how surgeons in leading Czech Republic clinics differ from their European counterparts.


In the Czech Republic, there are clinics specializing in hair transplantation. They are worked on by doctors who have been practicing this procedure for over 20 years, have successfully operated on thousands of patients, and know exactly how to achieve the best possible result (and thus the natural appearance of transplanted hair).


2) Better result at lower prices


Czech clinics present themselves with similar prices like for a quality transplant at a Czech Republic workplace, you will pay from CZK 65,000 upwards, including accommodation in a 4-star or better hotel. 


Our Recommendation


When choosing a transplant clinic Czech Republic, take your time and tap each device thoroughly. Never follow price alone and be critical of all information; be especially interested in the presence of a doctor during the procedure and insist on its guarantee in the contract.